Finding a patient

Digitail's powerful search engine

James avatar
Written by James
Updated over a week ago

You can search for a pet using two methods.
You can either use the smart search icon which you'll find on the top right-hand side of the screen or by using the filters table from the main Patients page.

This article addresses Digitail's more complex patient search functionality but don't let that scare you, searching for patients on Digitail has never been easier!
With our new patient search functionality, you can now narrow down your search results using multiple client & patient filters at the same time. This allows you to quickly and easily find the patient information you need.


Patient report filters

There are several filters that will help you narrow down your search results depending on your use case:

  • Clinic - if your clinic is part of a group you will be able to select the clinics you want to search "in". When there is no value in the "clinic" field then you will search in all clinics.

  • Client search: Allows you to narrow down patient searches by using information about the pet's parent, such as name, phone number, address, and secondary contact persons and their respective contact details.

  • Patient search - you can use this field to search by patient's identifiers like : name, microchip/rabies tag, or clinic number (E.g.: #US-414).

    • To search by the internal number you need to add "#" before entering the unique number

  • Species - select the species you want to look for. Used to narrow down results when the patient's and client's names are very common. (E.g.: Fluffy - John Doe). As you type the dropdown will narrow down the species you want.

  • Breed - when species is selected, the breed dropdown becomes available helping you narrow down patient results further.

  • Sex: Allows you to narrow down patient searches by selecting the patient's sex and reproductive status.

  • Date of birth range: Allows you to narrow down patient searches by selecting a date of birth range.

  • Date added: Allows you to narrow down patient searches by selecting a date range for when the patients were added to the clinic's list of patients.

  • Last update: Allows you to narrow down patient searches by selecting a date range for when the patient's profile was last updated.

  • Patient/Client alerts: Allows you to narrow down patient searches by selecting one or more alerts, which are defined per clinic or location.

Useful tips

  1. Filters work in any combination - you need to figure out the combinations that are right for your use case.

  2. Each filtering combination can be reset by clicking on the reset button. To see the original results table, users need to click the reset and search buttons. This way an "empty" search is performed.

Results Table

By default, the table is sorted by the relevancy score, meaning that the search engine will bring patient results that are the closest match to the search parameters you used.

You can change the number of results displayed by clicking on the bottom right dropdown and selecting the desired value.

Useful tips

  1. Clicking on the paw next to the Patient's name brings the client & patient card

  2. Clicking on the Patient's name opens the Patient's Healthcard in a new tab.

  3. You are now able to see the columns that are most relevant to you first. This is easily achieved by dragging and dropping columns in the desired order.

  4. You can make more space for your results tab by collapsing the filters table. You can do that by clicking on the arrow located in the top right corner of the filters table.


Obviously, sorting allows you to rearrange the order of the results in the results table, based on a specific column.
This makes it easier to find the patient information you need and can be especially useful when you have a large number of results.

The following columns are sortable:

  • Patient ID (#),

  • Patient name,

  • Species,

  • Sex and Spay/Neuter date,

  • Color,

  • Date of birth,

  • Added (registration date)

  • Last update.

To sort the results, you can simply click on the column header you want to sort by.

For example, if you want to sort the results by patient name, you can click on the "Patient name" column header. If you want to sort the results by date of birth, you can click on the "Date of birth" column header.

You can also sort the results in ascending or descending order.

The sorting feature can be combined with the filters, thus, allowing you to sort the filtered result sets.

Please keep in mind that, sorting a large data set can have performance implications, so it's important to be mindful of that while using the sorting feature and to optimize the database queries if needed.

Useful tips

  1. When sorting a column you will notice that the icon at the top of the column will change and become bold.

  2. Clicking once on the is ascending order. Clicking again switches to descending order. Clicking a third time cancels the sorting.


Each result line in the results table has an actions column.

When clicking on the vertical three-points icon, an actions menu modal will appear.

You will be able to use it to:

  • Add a SOAP for the patient. A new Soap will be opened in a new tab.

  • Add client communication. For now, when you select this you will be directed to the send message page in Patient Healthcard.

  • Edit Patient. Patient Information will be opened in a new tab in edit mode.

  • Change owner. Change owner view will be shown in a new tab.

  • Archive patient. When clicking on this option, the archive patient modal will appear.


We hope that you find the new patient search functionality helpful. With the ability to filter search results and choose columns to display, you can now easily find the patient information you need.

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