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Create a Body Map

Learn how to create Body Maps and share them with clients.

Updated over a week ago


All accounts have the standard body maps for the most popular species configured by default. You can review the existing ones by going to Admin → Body Map Templates, delete those that might not be relevant to your practice, and add your unique ones.

You can rename the Body Maps (we recommend using unique names) so you can easily find them when needed for specific patients or cases.

The ideal size for Body Map images is width: 2000px - height: 1600px, but other sizes such as 1024 x 900 px will display properly.

If a Body Map is no longer relevant for your practice, you can remove it from the Admin. This won't affect any Records that used that Body Map before, but it will ensure that it won't appear there the next time you add a new Body Map on a SOAP.

Complete a Body Map

You can easily create Body Maps from the SOAP. Go to the Objective section → Body Maps and add the template you need.

You can see all your templates in one list and the Digitail default templates in a separate list, and you can even search by name to find the right template faster for the case. Select the templates you need (yes, you can add multiple ones at the same time!) and click 'Confirm'.

To start adding notes to a Body Map, click on its name (or the edit icon) to preview it. In this modal, you can use different elements, such as text fields, shapes, and different colors, to complete your body map.

The Body Map auto-saves in real time, so you don't need to worry about lost changes. When your Body Map is complete, click on 'Save to Files'—this will add the Body Map to your Files section of the Record so it can be accessed faster. In the Files tab, you can also change its name to something more specific, if needed.

If you need to update the Body Map, simply go to the 'Body Maps' tab, open it and finalize your changes. When clicking again on 'Save to Files', the first version from the Files will be overwritten with your changes.

If you need to print the Body Map, you can do so from the Body Map preview.

All Body Maps are saved in the Files section of the Record and, therefore, will be automatically included when sharing the Record summaries via email, and in the App (when you have the 'Files sharing' option enabled).

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