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Overview of the Plan section

Learn how to navigate the Plan section of a SOAP record

Updated over a week ago

The Plan section is where you can add services & products to your SOAP record, add the performed procedures and medications provided during the appointment, offer recommendations, add certificates, and schedule follow-ups, ensuring a comprehensive treatment plan for the patient.

Services & Products

Everything regarding performed services and administered products goes in this section of the SOAP. You can search for existing items or add new ones on the spot.

How to add Services and Products:

  1. Open the record and click on the Plan tab

  2. Click on the Services & Products button

  3. In the Add Services and Products field, click and type in your product or service name

  4. Choose your product or service from the list

  5. Hit the Write-In Product or Write-In Service button in the lower left of the results screen

All the services and products that you note here will automatically appear under the Billing section of your record:

📌 Using a different quantity for Services, doesn't multiply the sub-products under that Service bundle.

The Plan section includes a Treatments field, allowing you to record treatment notes in real time, while also being automatically populated with any entries from the Plan field within a Quick SOAP note.

Additionally, you have the option to create and manage orders for your in-house and reference lab tests, streamlining the process for further diagnostics and treatments.

Simply add your laboratory service, then click on the Manage orders button:

Procedures Reports

The Procedures Reports section allows you to document various procedures by selecting from predefined categories such as Spay/Neuter, Euthanasia, Surgical, Dental, Hospitalization, Other, and Dental Chart. Selecting a category will automatically generate a dropdown with custom fields tailored to that specific procedure:

  1. Click on the Procedures Reports section within the Plan tab

  2. Check the box(s) next to the category or categories you need

  3. Enter the information in the displayed custom fields below


The Medications section displays any historical medications for the patient. If the list is empty, you can search for a product and add a prescription as needed. Check out how to generate new prescriptions or fill medications here.

📌 You can view, add or inactivate historical medication from the Medication tab within the patient's Health Card.


You can set up predefined recommendations for diagnoses and products and every time you use them, this section will get updated:

  1. From the Assessment tab of your record, search for and add your diagnosis in the Diagnosis field

  2. From the Services & Products section of the Plan tab, add your product

  3. The diagnosis and product will be seen under Recommendations

  • You can quickly add your notes using the General Recommendations field:

  • Each product recommendation can easily be printed, either on a label printer or a normal printer.

  • Click on the Print discharge document button to preview your discharge notes:


Certificates are generated automatically once you add a vaccination product or protocol under Services & Products within the Plan section. Once the certificate is added, you can use the 3 icons under the Actions bar to download, print or delete the certificate from the record:

If there are missing certificates, click on the Synchronize button to add them to your record:


From this section, you can directly schedule the next visit for your patients, and set up new tasks, by clicking on the Add Appointment and Add Task buttons:

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