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Add Products to Stock

Learn how to add/receive products from a supplier and complete Purchase Orders.

Updated over a week ago

Keeping your inventory up-to-date is crucial for efficient stock management. This guide will help you add products to your stock in Digitail, ensuring your inventory records are accurate and current.

Creating a new Purchase Order

Step 1: Accessing the Add Inventory Page

To begin, navigate to the Inventory section of Digitail. Click on the "Order" tab and select "Add New Order" from the drop-down menu.

purchase order menu navigation

Step 2: Filling in the Required Information

On the Add Inventory page, fill in the mandatory fields, including the product name, quantity, and any other relevant details. Double-check all information for accuracy. You can also enter additional information, such as the supplier details, invoice number, and product specifics.

Selecting the product from the drop-down menu will auto-fill all the standard information if the product already exists in your database. Alternatively, you can scan the product's barcode, automatically populating the required details.

When adding products to your order, you may encounter a situation in which you no longer want to receive the order. In this case, you can easily navigate away from the page without losing any of your progress.

To do this, click the "X" button in the top right corner of your browser window. This will close the order page and take you back to the previous page you were on.

It's important to note that your order will automatically save every time you add a new product. So, even if you navigate away from the page, your progress will still be saved.

Once you have successfully added a product to your order, you will receive a confirmation message. This message lets you know that the product has been added and that your order has been updated.

If you ever need to access your order again, you can easily go to the Purchase Order List. Learn more about the Purchase Order List here.

From the Purchase Order List, you can view all of your current and past orders and make any necessary changes or updates.

Step 3: Receiving Your Products

After entering all product details, click the "Mark as Received" button to update your inventory. This action changes the order status to "Received" and updates your stock levels accordingly.

Purchase Orders Statuses

Learn the difference between Draft, Pending and Received Orders.

Draft Orders

With the introduction of draft orders, you can now compile your orders in preparation for the next time you need to place the order with the supplier.

As you add products to the order, you will have the option to

  • Save order as Draft > keep the order in this state until it has been sent to the supplier

  • Save order as Pending > when the order has been sent to the supplier but not yet received

  • Mark as received >only when you are ready to add the products into stock

πŸ“ŒComing Soon: the ability to email your orders to the supplier when you Save order as Pending

πŸ“Œ All items and values on a draft order can be edited or updated

Pending Orders

At times, you may not be able to complete an order right away. This could be due to various reasons such as being interrupted while creating the order or needing to capture additional order costs and quantities. In such cases, you can save your order in the pending state to complete and receive it fully at a later time.

To save an order as pending, click on the Save order as Pending button.

πŸ“Œ Orders received from Vetcove will appear as Pending.

Vetcove users will need to verify costs and quantities before receiving the product into stock.

save order as pending

πŸ“Œ When an order is in the pending state, the receiving quantities have not yet been added to your stock.

πŸ“Œ Selling prices are updated only when the products are received into stock.

Once you are ready to receive the order, you can simply open the pending order and complete it as usual. This will add the receiving quantities to your stock and deduct the items from your inventory.

pending state

By saving an order as pending, you can ensure that your inventory levels are accurate and current. This feature is especially useful for businesses that may experience interruptions or delays in their order processing.

πŸ“Œ All items and values on a pending order can be edited or updated

Received Orders

A received order is regarded as a complete order.

The stock has been added and the product prices from the purchase order have been updated.

Editing a Received Order

If you chose to edit an order that has already been received into stock, please be aware that not all areas can be edited.

order edit rule

You are able to update the Batch information (batch number and expiration date) on all products.

If a product has not been dispensed or adjusted, you will be able to

  1. update to COGS values on products

  2. update the Sales Price; however, this does not update your current selling price. The current selling price can be updated via the Product Directory

  3. delete a product from the order, which will reduce your total stock for the product

Purchase Order Overview

PO details

  • Order #: Number generated automatically

  • Date: The date of the reception

  • Supplier: Select from the drop-down menu

  • Reception Committee (Optional): Person(s) receiving and adding the products in stock

Supplier Invoice details

  • Document type: Document type when receiving products

  • Invoice date: Document date

  • Invoices Series (Optional) and number: Document series and unique number

  • Invoice total value (Optional): Total value of received products

  • Payment due date (Optional): Document due date

Receiving Product details

To start, simply navigate to the search field and type in the product name you wish to add. You can do this using your keyboard or by clicking on the field and using the on-screen keyboard. The system will automatically search for the product in your database as you type. If the product already exists, it will appear in the drop-down menu for selection. This makes it easy for you to find the product you are looking for without manually entering all the information.

Search product

If the product does not exist in your database, don't worry! You can still add it by manually entering all the necessary information. However, if the product does exist, all the saved information will be prefilled for you. This includes the product name, description, price, and any other relevant details. This saves you time and ensures accuracy in your product listings.

But wait, there's more! We understand that manually typing in all the information can be time-consuming, especially with a large inventory. That's why we've made it even easier for you. You can also scan the product's barcode number directly into the search field. This will automatically populate all the necessary information for you, making the process even faster and more efficient.

You will also have improved efficiency and be able to maintain your pricing models with additional COGS and product information provided.

You'll be able to see the Last COGS (where available), the Recommended markup (from the Product directory), and the current and previous Sales prices.

πŸ“Œ For existing products:

We pre-populate the COGS field with the Last COGS and the Sales Price field based on the current price.

When you update the COGS value the other values on the item recalculate.

πŸ“ŒTo understand more on how these calculations work, see our article on Tax implementation.

order item details

Additionally, you'll have access to indicators on the markup and sales price values, which will help you determine whether you are applying values equal to or higher than previous (indicators will be green) or lower (indicators will be red) than the previous.


When receiving consumables the Markup and Sales Price fields will be disabled.

This results in your consumable products being priced at their true cost

Understanding Last COGS

This is the COGS (Cost of Goods Sold) associated to the last time the product was purchased.

Using Recommended Markup

The Recommended markup is a suggested percentage that you can add to the cost of your product to determine the selling price.

Comparing Current and Previous Sales Prices

By comparing your current and previous selling prices, you can see how your pricing strategies have changed over time. This can help you identify any trends or patterns and make adjustments to your pricing schemas accordingly. Additionally, you can use this information to see if your current prices are higher or lower than your previous prices and make adjustments as needed.

Understanding Indicators

The indicators on the markup and sales price values can help you quickly determine if you are applying values equal to or higher than previous values (indicators will be green) or lower (indicators will be red) than the previous values. This can help you make quick decisions and ensure that your pricing strategies are in line with your goals.

pricing indicators

Batch Number and Expiration Date

Include the product’s batch number and expiration date for effective inventory management. This information is essential for generating certificates and setting alerts for products nearing expiration.


The quantity field refers to the number of units of the product you are adding. It is important to note that this always refers to the UNIT, not the subUNIT. For example, if you add a bottle of medication, the quantity would refer to the number of bottles and not the number of tablets in the bottle.


If you add a bottle of 100 tablets, the quantity would be 1 (for 1 bottle) and not 100 (for 100 tablets).

COGS (Cost of Goods Sold)

The COGS field refers to how much you are paying for the product. Similar to the quantity field, this always refers to the UNIT, not the subUNIT. For example, if you purchase a bottle of medication, the COGS would refer to the cost of the entire bottle and not the cost of each individual tablet.


If the bottle costs $10, the COGS would be $10, not the cost of each tablet in the bottle.


The discount field allows you to enter any supplier discounts that may apply to the product. This can help you keep track of any discounts you receive from your suppliers.

COGS (with discount)

This field will automatically calculate the cost of goods sold with the discount applied. This can help you keep track of the actual cost of the product after any discounts have been applied.

Supplier Tax Rate

The supplier tax rate field will automatically populate with the product tax rate. However, if needed, you can adjust this rate. Please note that this field will not be available if the supplier is marked as not paying tax.

πŸ“Œ If the supplier is marked as not paying tax, the field will not be available for adjustment.

Total COGS

The total COGS field will automatically calculate the total cost of goods sold based on the COGS (with discount) and the quantity being received. This can help you keep track of the total cost of the products you are adding.

Applying a Discounts

If you have received a supplier discount for your entire order, you can apply it by entering the value into the Order Discount field in the order totals.

You can also add individual discounts to each item by entering a value or percentage.

If you have received the same discount for all the items on the order, you can use the Bulk Items Discount field to quickly apply this over all the items.

Remember that this will overwrite any individual supplier discounts you may have entered for specific products.

πŸ“Œ All discount values will only apply to the current order and will not be saved for future orders.

List of Purchase Orders

To view your list of purchase orders, navigate to Inventory - Documents - Purchases Orders. This will take you to a page where you can see all of your purchase orders in one place.

Once you are on the purchase orders page, you can quickly view all the items on an order by clicking on the arrow to expand. This will show you a detailed list of items in the order.

You can also view, edit, delete, and export orders from this page. This gives you the flexibility to make necessary changes to your orders.

If you need to change a product, simply make the necessary changes in the appropriate field. If you need to delete a product, click the actions button on the right side of the product line.

πŸ“Œ Products that have been received and then dispensed cannot be edited.

In addition to managing your received orders, you can also access draft orders. These are orders that have not yet been marked as received. You can either 'Mark as received' or edit received orders to update batch information and/or expiration dates.

receive purchase order

Having a list of all your purchase orders in one place makes it easy to track and manage your orders efficiently. We hope this article has helped you understand how to access and use your list of purchase orders. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team for assistance.


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