ℹ️ Credit services is a powerful feature enabling clinics to issue credits for services performed. This is helpful in the event that a service charge was deemed incorrect, or if a client disputes their service charge. Once a service has been credited, a Credit Note is automatically generated onto the clients account for future use. Clinics can also choose to Refund credit notes back to the client in their preferred method of payment.
Use cases for using the Credit Service feature
If the sale was made in the past
If the sale is dated today and the client has already paid
If the sale is dated today and has been Closed (even if there is no payment)
📌 If a service was added (and dated today) but not performed, and the client has not paid for the sale, then we recommend deleting the line item.
Issuing a Credit Note for Service(s)
Permissions to Issue Credit Notes
Please make sure your user has the permissions to "Credit Sold Services". If you do not see this option, please ask someone with Administrator permissions in your practice to enable this option for you.
Issue Credit Note for one or more Services
The Issue Credit Note option will only appear for users with the correct permissions (as noted above), and once the Close sale button is selected (this will display the option to Re-open to edit).
To credit a service (or multiple services):
Navigate to the Issue Credit Note action button in the Service line item;
From within the pop-up window, adjust the Quantity or Total Amount to be credited. Keep in mind, the quantity/amount cannot be higher than the original amount sold.
To credit multiple services, click on the Select Service dropdown, and Add any additional services.
Fill in the mandatory Reason field before clicking Confirm
A Credit Note will automatically generate and attach to the sale. It may be used pay for future product or service sales, or its value can be refunded back to the client.
📌 The Issue Credit Note button is not available on open sales; please make sure the Close sale to access the action; find out more about Sale/Invoice Statuses here.
📌 Crediting a service does not update or remove its reminder protocol. If you wish to remove the reminder, you can do so from the Record or Health Card.
Returning Products from the Credit Services Workflow
You can also choose to Return Products that may be part of the same sale by turning the Return Products toggle On.
📌 Ensure you have the correct permissions to "Create Product Return" set, or contact your clinic Administrator to have these turned.
Refunding a Product or Service Credit Note
Client Credit Notes are automatically generated and attached to the Client sale. To Refund a credit,
Click on the Credit icon to the right of the credit field
Select the Preview Credit Note button
Click Refund on the top of the credit note
Fill out the Refund details in the Reverse/Refund Payment pop-up window.
Hit Save to finalize the credit note refund
Credited Services are displayed on the original record, with a red tag below the Total indicating the "Credit Issued" amount.
📌 If you do not see a Refund button it is because 1) no payment was received against the sale; or 2) a refund had already been issued.
📌 Sales that have been Closed (in the past) without payment require you to Issue Credit Note to remove the line item. Credits will only be applied to payments made.
📌 Issuing a Credit Note creates new transaction for the date it was processed. This action will not impact the Total Sales Value or Taxes of the original sale.
For more information on Credit Notes, please refer to our help center article.