All Collections
Never miss a charge with automatic invoicing and integrated billing
15 articles
Tax ImplementationExplanation of how different tax types are applied across different regions
Adding Products & Services to a Record or Counter SaleRecording treatments & services provided, and ensuring accurate billing
Sale / Invoice StatusesClose Invoices, mark them as Ready for Checkout or re-open to edit.
Record PaymentsRecord client payments for outstanding invoices, deposits and more.
Scan QR to pay InvoicesScan to pay functionality present on the invoice
Apply Discounts on InvoicesThe most flexible way to offer client discounts.
Issue a Refund / ReversalIssue client refunds/reversals directly from the Billing section.
Preview / Share Payment & Refund ReceiptsPreview, print and share Payment and Refund Receipts.
Return ProductsReturn products and generate credit notes
Charge using CareCreditCharge with CareCredit directly from Digitail.
Credit Services PerformedHow to credit a service
Generate and Share InvoicesGenerate, preview and share Client Invoices.
Generate a Consolidated InvoiceGenerate Consolidated Invoices for a faster check-out.
Generate a Client StatementSee how easy it is to generate a complete client statement!
Generate Credit NotesLearn how to issue and apply Credit Notes