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Generate a Client Statement

See how easy it is to generate a complete client statement!

Updated over 2 months ago

The Client Statement (also known as an account statement or client summary) allows you to share account details with your clients, such as their outstanding balance, charges & payments history, and available credit.

📌 You can also set automatic statements by choosing a date when statements will be automatically sent to all clients that have an outstanding balance. Ask your account manager to set it up for you!

You can generate a statement for a client by going to their patient's Health Card.
Open the Invoices tab from the patient card and click on the download button.

From there, you can select the period of the statement you'd wish to generate and click on Preview.

The opening balance is the value of the outstanding balance the client has at the beginning of the statement period.

All the charges and payments will be listed chronologically, as well as the total charges, the amount paid, and credit (if any).

The outstanding balance is also broken down into number-of-day intervals:

  • overdue charges in the last 30 days

  • overdue charges between 31-60 days

  • overdue charges between 61-90 days

  • overdue charges older than 91+ days

From the preview screen, you can easily email the statement to the client, download or print it.

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