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Return Products

Return products and generate credits or refunds

Updated over a week ago

Product returns are inevitable, but they don’t need to be painful. Return products, add them back to the stock (if needed), and refund the client or keep the credit on their account.

Returning Products

Please make sure your user has the right permissions to create Product Returns. If you don't see this option, please ask an admin in your practice to enable this option for you.

You can return products from any Record or over-the-counter Sale that is marked as Closed. Simply navigate to the Billing section, and click on the 'return' icon next to the desired product.

You will see a modal, where you can add the desired quantity (the returned quantity can't be higher than the amount sold. You will also have the option to add the product back to your stock by selecting the checkbox.

The reason field for product returns is mandatory and it will be displayed when clicking on the returned quantity.

Important Notes:

📌 Product Returns are not available on Open Sales; please make sure the Sale is Closed to access the Return actions; find out more about Sales statuses here

📌 Returning the product does not update or remove the reminder protocol (if you wish to remove the reminder, you can do so from the Record or from the Health Card);

📌 The dispensing fee is not part of the return value;

product return options

Returning Multiple Products

You can also return multiple products from the same sale, by adding them to the return's modal using the 'add' icon.

return multiple products

Returning the Same Product Multiple Times

You can return the same product line item on separate occasions.

For example, if you sold 4 units, you could return 1 unit today (with a specific reason for the return), and you can still return the remaining 3 units tomorrow (that might have a different return reason).

You will be able to see the entire return history (how many units were returned, the reason and when) by clicking on the red badge.

Returning Products without Credit

If you choose to return the product to stock without issuing a credit note, uncheck the Generate Credit Note option. This will have no financial implication on the original sale.

This can be used in limited cases when the client wants to return some products, but he/she is not interested in receiving a credit (for example, when a pet is on a medication that is no longer useful, or if the pet is deceased).

📌 Even a sale with no payment requires a Credit Note!!

Returning Products with Credit

After completing a return, a credit note will be automatically generated based on the return value and amount due on the sale. This credit note can be used to pay for other sales or refunded from the credit note itself.

credit note refund

📌The Credit Note is a new transaction and will be dated for the current date. This will not affect the Total Sales value or Taxes of the original sale.

For more information on Credit Notes, please refer to our help center article.

Returned products are displayed on the original record, with a red tag, including the quantity that was returned as well.

The original sale value is not changed as the product return values are recorded on the Credit Note.

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