Draft records
Draft records are records that haven't been saved yet. They don't have a record number and they are not shared in the app with the client.
Click into a Patient's health card, and scroll down to the Timeline.
Filter by Records and select Status: Draft.
You can see the Draft records marked with a grey badge.
All the changes done in a Draft record will automatically be saved. To move a record out of "Draft" status and into "Open" status:
Click on the Draft hyperlink, to open the Draft Record screen
Tap the Finalize button in the record
The status in the top right corner will change to Open (this means that the record will now get a record number (#) and can be Closed via the Close button).
π Drafts can be kept in this state for as long as needed (they won't automatically close after a set period of time).
π You can only change the Template of the record while they are in the 'Draft' status.
Open records
Open records are marked with the teal 'Open' badge . All the changes done in the record will be autosaved, but you can also use the 'Save' button without changing the status of the record.
π Only 'Open' records can be closed.
π Only some users have access to close records - check permissions here.
π 'Open' records are not shared in the app if your clinic has an automatic close timer.
Closed records
Closed records will display a purple badge. They also display the timestamp when they were conducted / opened and the timestamp when they were closed.
Closed records are considered 'locked' and therefore are view-only. This means that the record is no longer editable. If you wish to edit a closed record, an admin needs to unlock it first.
π Records can be closed manually or have a set timer (e.g. 24h).
π If the automatic timer is enabled (from the Preferences section), the records will close after the set amount from the moment the record was 'Open' (saved for the first time).
π Only some users have access to unlock closed records - check permissions here.
π Comments can still be added or edited on 'Closed' records.
π Products can still be added to the Billing section - if you wish to disable access to the Billing section please check the permissions here.