Patient search
Find patients by name, ID, microchip, and rabies tag number.
📌 To search by ID, you need to add the # symbol in front of the number, such as #24.
Client search
Start typing the client's first or last name, phone number, or email.
Contact person search
Select 'Contact persons' from the dropdown menu and start typing the name, phone number, or email.
Alternatively, you can use the Patient's filter, our powerful filtering tool, to find and filter patients and clients.
Search results
After you start typing, the system will display the results based on the searched keywords. The information displayed at a glance includes patient name & clinic(s) IDs, microchip, rabies tag, and health card number, species & breed, gender & reproductive status, as well as client name, phone number, and email.
📌 You can also search archived patients by selecting the 'Show archived' checkbox, or search by pet and client details simultaneously for more specific results. Just use the symbol ' / ' between the parameters, such as Daisy/Smith or any other combination of parameters (rabies tag/phone number, patient ID/email).