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Merge Clients or Patients

Learn how to merge accounts one by one or in bulk.

Updated over 8 months ago

If you've noticed duplicated patients or clients, you can merge them to ensure clean data and reporting.

Warning: please read this article completely before proceeding with the merge (especially the What information is transferred? section).

This function is available in Administration or My Profile, in the left sidebar menu, or by direct link: Merge Patients & Clients.

Note: You need to have the permission "Merge Clients/Patients" for your role. Reach out to your clinic administrator or practice manager, if you don't see this feature in Administration. Learn more about Permissions here.

Please make sure you have this permission enabled to access this page:

Merge Patients

You can merge patients one by one or add multiple lines and run all merges at the same time.

On the left side, search for and select the patient you want to KEEP. We recommend selecting the patient with more information on their profile (such as microchip, blood type, patient notes, etc), more history (such as appointments or records), or the patient who was added before (you can see this by their ID numbers).

On the right side, search and select the patient that you want to REMOVE. In the merge process between the 2 patients, relevant data from the removed patient profile will be transferred to the patient profile that is kept.

Use the smart search to find the right patient by using the patient name, ID (make sure you type # before the ID number), rabies tag, or microchip, or using client information such as name, phone number, or email.

After you select all patient profiles you want to merge, click on the 'Merge Patients' button to finalize the action. This action might take a few seconds, but once it's done, you will see a green confirmation message at the top right of the screen.

🚨 Please make sure you double-check the information, as this action can not be undone. Review the Permissions page to ensure correct access for your team.

What information is transferred in a Patient Merge?

The following data is being transferred:

  • Records

  • Appointments

  • Recommended Appointments

  • Tasks

  • Treatment Plans

  • Client Communications

  • Protocol Reminders

  • Files

  • Forms & Certificates

  • Co-Owner information

Patient profile information (such as microchips, notes, or alerts) is not transferred. Therefore, we recommend keeping the Patient with the more complete profile and removing the one with less information added. If the patient you want to keep is missing some profile information that the other patient has, please update the profile of the patient you want to keep before doing the merge.

Merge Clients

You can use this function to merge client accounts and keep only one. This comes in handy if you notice duplicated client accounts (that might have the same pets or different ones).

If you have a duplicate client who also has the same pets, you need to merge the two clients and then merge the relevant patients under the remaining client.

🚨 Please make sure you double-check the information, as this action can not be undone. Review the Permissions page to ensure correct access for your team.

What information is transferred in a Client Merge?

In a Client Merge, all the patients from the removed client will be transferred to the client profile that is being kept.

Client profile information (such as notes or alerts) is not transferred. Therefore, we recommend keeping the Client with the more complete profile and removing the one with less information added.

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