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Add, Edit, or Delete User Roles & Permissions
Add, Edit, or Delete User Roles & Permissions

Learn how to add, edit, or delete standard user roles and permissions for your team.

Updated this week

A Role is a collection of Permissions defined for the whole system that you can assign to specific Users to limit their access in Digitail. The combination of role permissions enabled in a given role, determine a specific user's access in Digitail.

Add a new Role

Click on your Profile Image in the top right corner of your screen and select Administration from the drop down menu, then choose Team from the left side menu. Click on the purple Roles & Permissions button and then click the blue (+) Add New button.

  1. Give the role a Name e.g. 'Reception' or 'Technician'

  2. Define the Role Permissions by checking ON any of the Digitail features the Role should have access to

  3. When complete, click the blue Save button on the top-right corner

Edit or Delete an existing Role

πŸ“Œ Administrator is a default system role in Digitail and cannot be edited or deleted.

Click on your Profile Image in the top right corner of your screen and select Administration from the drop down menu, then choose Team from the left side menu. Click on the purple Roles & Permissions button.
Scroll down to the role you wish to Edit or Delete and select either of the Edit or Delete buttons.
Once you are done making edits, be sure to hit the blue Save button on the top right corner of your screen.

πŸ“Œ Any Role attached to a User profile cannot be deleted. To delete the role, you must first reassign the User to a different role.

Set up Role Permissions

Role Permissions are used to control and manage access to Digitail. Permissions dictate what actions a User can perform, what data they can view or modify, and what features they can or cannot access.

The following article will describe Digitail's permission structure, as well as the purpose and meaning of the various permission categories and subcategories for clinic staff.
In this article, we will also cover dependencies between individual permissions.

A rule of thumb about Permissions:

  • View permission: Users with View permission can access and see data about a particular entity, however they will not be able to modify it.

  • Create permission: Users with Create permission can create new entries in the system. If we take patients as an example, a User with Create permission would be able to add new clients & patients in Digitail.

  • Edit permission: Users with Edit permission can edit or update existing entries. As an example, a user with edit records permission can edit their own records as well as other users' medical records.

  • Delete permission: Users with Delete permission can remove or delete entries and data from the system. This permission is sensitive and should not be assigned lightly as it may lead to accidental loss of important information.

Main Permissions Categories

(Click on the category link to jump to the respective section in this article.)

  1. This permission allows users to view, edit, create, and archive patient and client records. It empowers healthcare professionals to maintain accurate and up-to-date client and patient information, including client discounts, patient medical history, client communications and alerts, and patient treatment plans.

  2. This permission grants access to a patients health records, enabling authorized users to update, review, and maintain medical information.

  3. Users with this permission can schedule appointments, manage calendars, and organize patient visits.

  4. Users with this permission can handle billing processes, including generating invoices, processing payments, and granting discounts.

  5. Stock management permission grants users control over inventory-related tasks including tracking, updating stock levels, managing product details, and ensuring accurate stock movement within the system.

  6. This is the highest level of permission, typically reserved for system administrators or managerial staff/ team leads. It includes overarching control over user permissions, system settings, and configurations.

  7. Reports permission enables users to generate, access, analyze, and export various types of system-generated reports and lists, offering insights into client/patient data, inventory status, financial records, and operational analytics

πŸ“Œ Toggling a permission category ON, will activate all permission items under that category.

Manage Clients/Patients

The Manage Clients/Patients permission is split into 5 subcategories:

General Permissions

The General subcategory of Manage Clients/Patients sets the ability to view, create, edit, and archive patient and client information.

πŸ“Œ View Clients/Patients permission is the backbone to access information everywhere in the platform.

πŸ“Œ This permission is mandatory for anyone requiring access to patient and client records or the schedule.

πŸ“Œ The amount of data that a User can see about a client or patient can be further restricted by deactivating other related permissions (e.g. seeing an invoices list on the patient health card is dependant on activating the View Invoices permission)

General Permissions

User Access


View Clients/Patients

This is a read only permission. Users can search for clients and patients and view patient/client profiles as well as patient health cards.


Create Clients/Patients

Add new client or patient profiles.

View Clients/Patients

Edit Clients/Patients

Edit client or patient profiles.

View Clients/Patients

Archive Patients

Archive a patient.

View Clients/Patients

Merge Clients/Patients

Merge two patient or client records.

View Clients/Patients

Export Patients/Clients

Export a patient or clients list

View Clients/Patients

Alerts/Tags Permissions

Managing client and patient alerts has its separate permission.

Alerts/Tags Permissions

User Access


Assign Client/Patient Alerts

Use the existing repository of alerts to assign alerts.

View Clients/Patients

Create Client/Patient Alerts

Create client/patient alerts in the permission repository (the + in the Manage Alerts module becomes available when typing a tag)

Edit Clients/Patients

Delete Client/Patient Alerts

Delete client/patient alerts from the alerts repository

Edit Clients/Patients

πŸ“Œ Deleting an alert from the alerts repository will remove the alert from all client/patient profiles where the alert was added.

Communication Permissions

Communications permissions manage which User Roles can send messages and documents directly to clients, use the client chat feature, and view the notifications page.

Communication Permissions

User Access


Manage Client Communications

View Clients/Patients

Message All Clients

Access the "Send message" to all clients page.

Send client communications from the timeline

View Clients/Patients

Send Documents

Send record summaries, invoices; send documents from the document preview

View Clients/Patients

Chat & Internal Communication

Access and engage with the chat module

View Clients/Patients

View Notifications

Access the notifications page

View Clients/Patients

Discounts Permissions

Discounts Permissions

User Access


Assign/Remove Client Discounts

Assign or remove discounts directly in the client profile.

Edit Clients/Patients

πŸ“Œ Discounts permissions under the Manage Clients & Patients setting are set on the client profile and different from the Discounts permissions listed under the Manage Billing section.

Treatment Plans Permissions

Treatment plans are vital to patient health and therefore have their own access level.

Treatment Plans Permissions

User Access


Manage Treatment Plans

Create, edit, duplicate, delete treatment plans (TPs) in the Health Card, timeline and/or SOAP record; sync TPs with record; share a TP; approve/deny the TP

Edit Clients/Patients
Send Documents

πŸ“Œ When the Manage Treatment Plans permission is not active in a User Role, the User will:

  • not be able to add a Treatment Plan from a record (new or canned), even if they can create a record;

  • not have access to the Treatment Plan tab, (it will be greyed out in their view);

  • not be able to Add New Treatment Plan from the Timeline (using the Add New button)

Manage Records

The manage records permission category is split into 2 subcategories:

  1. Records - Manages record-level access

  2. Diagnoses - Manages how user interact with diagnoses

πŸ“Œ To access any of the subcategories in Manage Records, you must first have the View Clients/Patients permission turned ON.


Records Permissions

User Access


View Records

Read-only access of patient records

View Clients/Patients

Add Record

Add Soap, Add Records, and Duplicate Records buttons become available throughout the platform

View Clients/Patients
View Record

Edit Record

Ability to edit records and see advanced record options

View Clients/Patients
View Record

Delete Record

Ability to permanently delete a record

View Clients/Patients
View Record

Unlock Record

The " Unlock" button inside the record becomes available to reopen a closed record.

View Clients/Patients

View Record

πŸ“Œ We recommend Admin users give Delete and Unlock access to Team Leaders and Power Users, or reserve those permissions for their role only.


In a record, a user can assign, create, or remove diagnoses. Each action gets a separate permission.

Diagnoses Permissions

User Access


Assign Diagnoses

Search and select a previously already created diagnosis. (This can be done in the Diagnoses page of the Admin > Customize section).

Add Record

Create Diagnoses

Add new diagnoses to the diagnoses repository by clicking on the Add New button in the Diagnosis dropdown.

Add Record

Delete Diagnoses

Remove a diagnosis by clicking on the "x" available on the label of a previously assigned/added diagnosis

Add Record

Manage Schedule

The manage schedule permission category is split into 3 subcategories

πŸ“Œ To access any of the subcategories in Manage Schedule, you must first have the View Clients/Patients permission turned ON.


Appointments Permissions

User Access


View Appointments

View all appointments in Calendar, Timeline, Flowboard
​Without this permission users cannot:
* access the Appointments tab from the Calendar/Timeline views (it will be greyed out)

* associate records with appointments

* add follow-up appointments in a record

View Clients/Patients

Add Appointments

Add new appointment/quick appointment

View Appointments

Edit Appointments

Edit and reschedule appointments

View Appointments


Tasks Permissions

User Access


View Tasks

View tasks
​Without this permission users cannot:
* see the Tasks Filter in the Calendar
* access the Tasks tab in Timeline (it will be greyed out)

* see the Tasks tab in the Calendar (it will be hidden)
* see Tasks in SOAPS (both open & closed)
* see Tasks in Schedule/Boarding views

View Clients/Patients

Create Tasks

Create new tasks from Schedule, Timeline and Whiteboard views, as well as from within the SOAP Record

View Tasks

Edit Tasks

Edit tasks from Schedule, Timeline and Whiteboard views, and edit from within the SOAP Record

View Tasks

Delete Tasks

Delete tasks

View Tasks


Events Permissions

User Access


View Events

See and group events in the Calendar page

View Clients/Patients

Create Events

Add an event to the Calendar

View Events

Edit Events

Edit information in events

View Events

Delete Events

Delete events from the Calendar

View Events

Manage Billing

The Billing permission is split into 3 subcategories:

  1. Invoices - manages access levels for invoices

  2. Sales - manages access levels for payments

  3. Discounts - manage access levels for discounts


Invoices Permissions

User Access


View Invoices

See the invoice on the appointment card in the Flowboard; See Invoices section in Health Card; See Invoices in Counter Sell, SOAP records, and Timeline view.

View Clients/Patients

Create Invoices

Ability to Generate Invoice/Consolidate Invoice from the Flowboard, Counter Sell, SOAP record, or Health Card; ability to "Add to an existing consolidated invoice" from SOAP and Counter Sell

View Invoice
​View Record (to Create Invoices from SOAP)
​View Counter Sells (to Create Invoices from Counter Sell)

Delete Invoices

Delete invoices from the system

View Invoice
​View Record (to Delete Invoices from SOAP)
​View Counter Sells (to Delete Invoices from Counter Sell)

Edit Invoices

Ability to see Advanced Options and Update Invoice in Counter Sell, and SOAP records; Update Invoice in Flowboard; and, see Sales Invoices Action column

View Invoice
​View Record (to Edit Invoices from SOAP)
​View Counter Sells (to Edit Invoices from Counter Sell)


Sales Permissions

User Access


Create Payments

View Clients/Patients

Edit/Refund Payments

Ability to Edit or Refund from the Actions section in SOAP, Counter Sell, or Payments Report

Create Payments
​View Record (to Edit/Refund Payments from SOAP)
​View Counter Sell ((to Edit/Refund Payments from Counter Sell)
​View Payments Report (to Edit/Refund Payments from Payments Report)

Delete Payments

Ability to Delete from the Actions section in SOAP, Counter Sell, or Payments Report

Create Payments
​View Record (to Delete Payments from SOAP)
​View Counter Sell ((to Delete Payments from Counter Sell)
​View Payments Report (to Delete Payments from Payments Report)

Sell Items in Billing

Ability to Add Services/Products from Billing section in SOAP

Create Payments

View Counter Sales

Access Counter Sell tab and Counter Sell link in Client Statement, Products Report, Sales Report, and Controlled Substances Report

View Clients/Patients
​View Products Report (to View Counter Sell in Products Report)
​View Sales Report (to access Counter Sell link in Sales Report)

View Payments Report (to access Counter Sell link in Payments Report)
​View Controlled Substances Report (to view Counter Sell in Controlled Substances Report)

Edit & Create Counter Sales

Ability to create a new Counter Sell or edit an existing Counter Sell; see Counter Sell tab

View Counter Sales

Delete Counter Sales

Ability to Delete Counter Sell

Edit & Create Counter Sales

Reopen Sale

Ability to use Reopen for Edit button in SOAP, Flowboard, and Counter Sell

Edit & Create Counter Sales
​View Records (to access Reopen Sale from SOAP)

Close Sale

Ability to use Ready for Checkout or Close buttons in SOAP, Flowboard, and Counter Sell

Edit & Create Counter Sales
​View Records (to access Close Sale from SOAP)

Create Product Return

Ability to Reverse sale from SOAP, Flowboard, and Counter Sell

Edit & Create Counter Sales
​View Records (to access Create Product Return from SOAP)


Discounts Permissions

User Access


Create/Edit Line Item Discounts

Add Discounts in SOAP Billing (per line)
Add Discounts from Treatment plans

Edit Invoices
View Records

Create/Edit Global Discounts

Add Global Discounts in SOAP & Counter Sell
Access Global Discounts from Sales Report

Edit Invoices
View Records
​View Sales Report (to access Create/Edit Global Discounts Sales Report)
​View Counter Sell (to Create/Edit Global Discounts from Counter Sell)

Assign Global Discounts

Search Global Discounts and assign it in a SOAP

View Clients/Patients

Manage Stock

Manage Stock (sometimes referred to as Inventory Management) refers to access granted to Users to manage Stock at a clinic.

The Manage Stock permission is split into 2 subcategories:

  1. Stock - manages stock /inventory access

  2. Reception of Goods - manages purchase orders access


Stock Permissions

User Access


View Stock

Access the stock page and shopping list page

View Products

Update Stock Quantities

Access to the Stock Count, and Set Alerts for this Stock buttons, as well as Stock Actions options in the Stock page

View Stock

Manage Shopping List

Access to Shopping List page; ability to Add to Shopping List and Add Shopping List Action

View Stock

Reception of Goods

Reception of Goods Permissions

User Access


View Orders

Users will be able to access the Suppliers Invoices page; can View PDF and Export from this page

View Stock

Create Orders

Access the Add reception button to create orders on Supplier Invoices page

View Orders

Edit Orders

Access Edit button in Actions column of the Supplier Invoices page ; The PO column from the products dropdown is going to become available; POs for Controlled Substances and Products are active

Create Orders

Delete Orders

Delete orders

View Orders


Manage Settings

The Manage Settings permission is split into 4 subcategories:


Clinic Permissions

User Access


Manage Clinic Settings

Manage clinic profile and schedule

Manage Users (team) and User Schedules

Manage of Imports

Manage Integrations


Inventory - Product

Inventory-Product Permissions

User Access


View Products

View product lists


Create Products

Create new products

View Products

Edit Product Prices

Edit Products

View Products

Disable/Delete Products

Manage Stock Alerts


Export Product Directory

View Products

Manage Suppliers/Manufacturers/Clients


Inventory - Services

Inventory-Services Permissions

User Access


View Services


Create Services

View Services
Edit Service Prices

Edit Services

View Services

Disable/Delete Services

View Services

Export Service Packages

View Services


Pricing Permissions

User Access


Edit Product Prices

Products become available in inventory; Ability to use the Bulk Update Price and Update Price buttons; unlocked access to Recommended Unit Price and Dispensing fee from the Edit Product feature

Edit Products

Edit Service Prices

Access to Price field in a service; ability to Bulk Update Price in services

Edit Services


Permissions that address the items of the Medical, Clients, and General categories are related to the management of specific items that influence the way the clinic operates.

Management means the viewing, creating, editing, and deleting of that item.


  1. Templates

  2. Estimates

  3. Reminder protocols

  4. Diagnoses

  5. In-house Lab Reference Values

  6. Wellness Plans


  1. Client Notifications

  2. Certificates & Forms

  3. Discounts


  1. Series and Numbers

  2. Rooms/Kennels

  3. Label Printers (NEW)

Reports Permissions

To be able to grant access to view or generate reports, users need to have the View permission e.g. "View clients and patients" permission.

To be able to grant access to export reports or lists, users need to have the Export permission "Export Vaccination Report" permission.

The Reports permission category is split into 4 categories:

  1. Statistics

  2. Financial reports - provide comprehensive insights into an organization's financial performance, including details on revenue, expenses, and receivables, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions and assess the company's financial health.

  3. Operations reports - account ledger and accounting ledger operations

  4. Inventory reports - stock, controlled substances and products report

  5. Medical reports - lab, vaccinations and visit reports

  6. Client reports - reminders report

The access levels for the reports permissions category are very simple. It's either/or. Either a user has access or it does not.

Effective permissions management within a Digitail is crucial for maintaining data integrity, security, and regulatory compliance.

By implementing a structured approach to permissions, including defining roles, assigning appropriate access levels, and regularly auditing permissions, clinics can mitigate risks associated with unauthorized access, ensure data privacy, and enhance overall system performance.

Remember, ongoing monitoring and updates to permissions are essential to adapt to evolving business needs and regulatory requirements. With a well-managed permissions framework, users can confidently access and interact with sensitive data while safeguarding against potential breaches or misuse.

If you have any further questions or require assistance with permissions management in Digitail, don't hesitate to contact our support team for guidance and support.

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