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Centralize all Client Notifications & Communication

Easily view all sent notifications, reminders or logged communications.

Updated over 9 months ago

All client notifications, reminders, and communication are centralized in one place!

The Notifications page displays all the client communications sent or logged through Digitail. They can be filtered by the following types:

  1. Reminders (appointments, product administrations, recommended visits)

  2. Notifications (welcome email & text, appointment confirmations or changes)

  3. Direct messages (direct emails & texts, invoices, client statements, medical summaries, etc.)

The page includes different searches and filters, such as client name, email or phone number, channel (email, text, phone call, or other logged interaction), type (reminder, notification, direct), date range, and status (delivered, opened, clicked, not opened, not delivered, etc.) The difference between the "opened" status and "clicked" status is that in a status marked "clicked", a link or attachment has been opened. Both "opened" and "clicked" have been read by the client.

The list displays the date/time when the message was sent or logged, the client and the patient(s) associated (if any), the message, and more details regarding the channel, type, and status.

You can also view all Client Communication related to a patient from their Timeline. You can filter by type or date or use the 'Change Filters' sidebar to filter by user or location (for multi-location setups).

Client Notification Statuses

Delivered - this means the email/SMS was delivered

Opened - this means the email was delivered and the client opened it

Clicked - this means the email was delivered, opened and the client clicked on a link from the email

Processing - the email/sms is on the way and will be delivered soon

Unknown or other errors - sometimes the email/SMS can't be delivered due to various reasons, such as email/phone number being inactive to wrong, lack of signal, etc

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