Product Report

Keep track of your stock: ins, outs and adjustments.

Sophia avatar
Written by Sophia
Updated over a week ago


You can use multiple filters in order to generate specific reports.

  • Date (by default, the report displays today's changes)

  • Categories (select specific product categories for more granular reporting)

  • Products (for finding specific products)

  • Product type (filter by goods or consumable products)

Report details

The report displays all

  • Product name

  • Date (when the product was administered, removed from the stock, or added to the stock)

  • Product Details (category, expiration date, batch, supplier)

  • Doc. No. (record/sale number + link or reception number + link)

  • Added (the quantity that was added to the stock or manual adjustments)

  • Used (the quantity that was sold/administered to a patient or manually adjusted)

  • Balance (product quantity left after the change in both units and subunits)

  • Staff (the staff member that sold the product or adjusted the stock)

πŸ“Œ You can drag and drop the column around to change their order.

πŸ“Œ You can change the width of the columns by hovering over their right side.


You can easily generate a PDF or Excel of this Report.

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