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Set up Schedule Templates

Learn how to define schedule templates and blocks.

Updated over a week ago

How to Set up Schedule Templates

You can now set Schedule Templates from your Clinic Profile. You can set as many Templates as you want, either by duplicating an existing one or adding a new one from scratch by using the button on the top right.

Each Schedule Template should have a unique name and be associated with at least one staff member. Multiple staff members can be associated with the same Template, and one staff member can also be associated with multiple Templates.

In the Rules section, you can define multiple rules for one or more Visit Types at a time.

You can define on which days a specific Visit Type should be available and between what hours.

Each rule can be duplicated (so you can easily change what needs to be different), or you can add another rule from scratch using the button below.

πŸ“Œ Rules can be added to block specific times in the Calendar as well.

πŸ“Œ If multiple Visit Types are selected for one rule, the Calendar will display the first Visit Type's color.

Available - This means the slots are available internally for the clinic staff and for pet parents via the online booking systems

Unavailable - This means the slots are not available and can be used as another way to mark a time off or a calendar block

Unbookable - This means the slots are not available for pet parents via the online booking systems, but clinic staff is still able to book, with a warning (a closed eye symbol will be displayed too on the Calendar)

πŸ’‘ Configuring an appointment type as "Unbookable" in a specific interval (E.g 10-12), mean that the specific visit type cannot be booked by pet parents using the public calendar or the app, even if the visit type is marked as available for online appointments.

πŸ’‘ Similarly, if we configure an appointment type to be available between 10-12 for example, this means we are telling the system that users can book appointments with that type, only in that specified time interval.

Useful additions to the templates

πŸ“ŒAdmins can add a name to each rule

Instead of displaying the visit types defined on a rule and potentially causing issues related to the block's display on the public calendar, admin users can give a name to rules, so that users understand what the block is about.
E.g: Preventative label name of the following visit types: Vaccinations, Rabies Vaccination, Deworming, Flea Treatment, Vaccine Boosters.

Having a label is also useful when creating an "Unavailable" rule. "Unavailable" rules do not have Visit types attached to them. These rules can block time for various administrative activities or free time.

Naming them lets staff know what the block is about: "Lunch" , "Team meeting" "Admin time" etc.

This is a great way to create recurrent tasks and mark the specific staff as unavailable for appointments.

πŸ“ŒAdmins can define template validity

If needed, it's possible to set a template/block validity by filling in the Availability field by configuring a time interval.

After the availability has passed, the block will no longer be active & visible in the internal calendar.

If availability is left empty, the rules in the block will be always active.

Templates will conflict with each other when their are set for the same staff in the same period.

Howeve one can set up a week 1 template for staff Jane Doe and a similar template for the same staff for week 2.

How Schedule Templates are displayed in the Calendar

The Schedule Templates will be displayed as blocks of different colors in the Day View of the Calendar.

Admin users will be able to pick the colors that they want for their blocks.

When clicking on a specific slot to add an appointment (normal or quick), the Visit Type will be pre-selected with the one defined for that block. A different Visit Type can be selected if needed, but this will generate a warning.

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