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Credit Services Performed

How to credit a service

Updated over a week ago

❗A service cannot be returned in the same way as a product.

Once a service has been performed it may only be credited (giving money back to the client or keep the money as client Credit on the account).

Possible reasons for crediting a service:

  • the service charge was incorrect;

  • the client has disputed a service charge

When to use the Credit Service option:

  1. If the sale is dated for any date other than today

  2. If a sale is dated for today and the client has already paid

  3. If a sale is dated for today and has been closed (even though there is no payment)

📌 If a service was charged to a current sale (dated for today) but not performed, and the client has not paid for the sale, then preferably remove/delete the service.

Crediting a Service

Please make sure your user has the right permissions to Credit Sold Services. If you don't see this option, please ask an admin in your practice to enable this option for you.

service credit permissions

You can credit a service from any Record or Sale that is marked as Closed. Simply navigate to the Billing section and click on the 'Credit service' icon next to the service.

You will see a modal, where you can add the quantity or adjust the amount for the service being credited. The quantity and amount cannot be higher than the original quantity or amount sold.

The reason field is mandatory to complete the process.

Important Notes:

📌 Service Credits are not available on Open Sales; please make sure the Sale is Closed to access the action; find out more about Sales statuses here

📌 Crediting the service does not update or remove the reminder protocol (if you wish to remove the reminder, you can do so from the Record or from the Health Card)

Crediting Multiple Services

You can also credit multiple services from the same sale, by adding them using the 'add' icon.

Returning Products and Credit Services

You can also choose to return products that are part of the same sale by toggling the Return Product option On.

Learn more about Product Returns here.

After completing the process, a credit note will be automatically generated based on the credited value and amount due on the sale. This credit note can be used to pay for other sales or refunded from the credit note itself.

credit note refund

📌 Even a sale with no payment requires a Credit Note!!

📌The Credit Note is a new transaction and will be dated for the current date. This will not affect the Total Sales value or Taxes of the original sale.

For more information on Credit Notes, please refer to our help center article.

Credited services are displayed on the original record, with a red tag below the Total Amount, including the amount credited.

The original sale value is not changed as the credit values are recorded on the Credit Note.

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