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Create Stock Alerts

Receive notification when your stock is running low.

Updated over 5 months ago

Keeping your inventory well-managed is crucial for the smooth operation of your practice. With Digitail’s Stock Alerts feature, you can ensure that you never run out of essential products by setting up automatic notifications that alert you when stock levels are low or products are about to expire.

Setting Up Stock Alerts

Go to Administration → Stock Alerts to start creating your Stock Alerts.

You can add add different types of alerts, customized for:

💊 Products - select individual products from your stock;

💉 Product Categories - select one or more product categories;

📦 Entire Stock - simply add your rules for the entire stock;

For each of them, you can define the number of days before expiration or a quantity threshold. You can also add a list of emails that will be used for the notifications.

Then, add all the email addresses that you want to be notified when a threshold is reached. You can add multiple emails, separated by commas.

Editing Stock Alerts

If you need to change the threshold levels or disable an alert, simply revisit the product’s Stock Alert tab and make the necessary adjustments.

Monitoring Stock Levels

All the specified emails will get notifications when specific thresholds are met, including details about the category or product(s) name, quantities and expiration.

All the rules defined for the Stock Alerts will also be taken into consideration on your Stock Levels page.

In Stock - all products that have stock;

Low Stock - all products that reached the set threshold;

Out of Stock - all the products that are out of stock;

About to Expire - all the products that reached the number of days

Expired - all the products that have expired;

📌 You can also quickly set stock alerts from this page, by selecting a batch, and clicking on the (i) icon from the Actions. All these alerts will also appear in the main table from the Admin page.

Best Practices for Using Stock Alerts

  • Regularly Review Inventory Levels: Periodically check your inventory and adjust stock alert levels as needed to reflect changing usage patterns.

  • Coordinate with Suppliers: Use stock alerts to time your orders, ensuring that you maintain a good relationship with suppliers by avoiding last-minute rush orders.

  • Customize Alerts: Tailor your stock alert thresholds based on the criticality of the product. For example, set lower thresholds for high-turnover items and higher thresholds for less critical supplies.

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