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ReviewTrackers Integration

Ask for client reviews at the right time with the ReviewTrackers integration.

Updated over 6 months ago

ReviewTrackers helps you engage with your clients at the right time, capture valuable feedback and improve your reputation, giving your brand a higher star-rating and a bigger presence on local search. Automate your request campaigns and get more reviews easily through numerous direct integrations.

Setting up ReviewTrackers with Digitail

Make sure you have an active account and subscription with ReviewTrackers first.

Once you have your account, you can start creating and customizing your campaigns, that will then be mapped with your Digitail account. You can customize the messages, the rules and more.

Once you have that, please go to the Integrations page in Digitail and click on the ReviewTrackers widget. You'll be asked to enter your ReviewTrackers credentials (email/username and password) first, then you need to select the campaign that you want to map.

How does ReviewTrackers work in Digitail

Once the integration is successful, Digitail will automatically send the campaign you created to pet parents, after their visit, once the Record/SOAP is closed.

The default campaign is sent maximum once per month per client, to ensure clients are not receiving too many messages. For example, if a client comes with 2 pets at the same time, they will receive only 1 email. This is a setting that can be updated from ReviewTrackers dashboard.

Things to keep in mind

  • The client needs to have a valid email address in order to the email campaigns;

  • ReviewTrackers is a separate entity to Digitail, and all contracts and support will be handled by them;

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