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Cancel an Appointment

Learn how to cancel an appointment.

Updated over 5 months ago

Canceling appointments in Digitail is a straightforward process that can be done from various screens, including the Calendar page, the Flowboard, or the patient's Health Card/Timeline. Here’s a detailed guide on how to cancel appointments efficiently.

Quick Steps to Cancel an existing Appointment

  1. Locate the Appointment: Begin by finding the appointment you wish to cancel. This can be done from the Calendar page, Flowboard, or the patient’s Health Card/Timeline.

  2. Cancel the Appointment: Click on the three dots icon next to the appointment details and select the 'Cancel' action from the dropdown menu.

You can also include a cancellation reason, that will be shared with the Client via App and the email notification.

Cancel a new Appointment Request

You can decline new appointment requests directly from the sidebar or the appointment card in the Calendar. You'll be asked to confirm the action, and also include a cancellation reason if you want.

Client Notifications

When you cancel an appointment, a notification is sent to the client based on your default appointment notification settings.

View Canceled Appointments

Canceled appointments are marked with an 'X' icon and a gray background in the Calendar. This visual indicator helps staff quickly identify which appointments have been canceled.

If there was a cancellation reason, this will be displayed below the visit type and the reason for visit.

You can choose to hide or display canceled appointments in the Calendar using the Filters option.

Canceled appointments are also recorded in the patient's Timeline. By clicking on the 'Canceled' filter under the Appointments tab, you can view all canceled appointments for that patient.

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