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Customize Client Communication Content & Reminders
Customize Client Communication Content & Reminders

Adjust Digitail's default messages to your needs and set up your preferred communication channels and reminders.

Updated over a week ago

Note: this feature is currently available in Beta, to specific users. If you don't see Client Communications in your Administration page, your clinic is not a part of the test and you will see this feature later, when it is released to everyone. Thank you for your patience!

Go to Client Communications to start customizing your messages and reminders.

The first thing that you will see is the Client Communications table which has most common messages that you are sending to your pet parents.

Things to consider before diving into using the feature:

  • All the messages have a category and channel(s) that is/are used to send the message.

  • Some of the messages have reminders that you can configure.

  • Some messages are sent automatically by the system, others are triggered when a user does something in the PIMS.

Customizing Client Communications

In the client communications' table, you can start the editing process for each client communication by clicking on the icon in the actions column.

This will bring you to the edit screen of the chosen communication.

You can configure the channels (email, sms or push notification), the frequency for Reminders (where applicable )and the text/content of the messages.


Notifications and Reminders can be sent via Email, SMS, or App (as a push notification).

Please keep in mind that clients can unsubscribe from specific Email or Text notifications - you can see their preferences on the Client profile card from their pet's Health Card or when adding a new Appointment.

Push notifications via the App can only be sent to pet parents with the App installed and push notifications enabled. When adding a new Appointment, you can see if the Client has the App installed or if they unsubscribed from Emails or Texts.


For client comms that have reminders, you can modify the default reminders currently set to 1 day and 1 week before the event.

📌Good to know!
Please don't overwhelm your clients with a lot of reminders. This usually has an adverse effect in the form of clients turning your communications off.


Push notifications cannot be customized. Email and SMS can.

For email, you will be able to customize the subject and the message body.

For SMS, you are able to customize the body only.

📌Pro tip

One SMS has a character max limit of 160 characters. If you include content that goes over this limit, your message will be split into two or more SMS. This will result in a bad experience for your client and higher costs for you.

Before you start modifying the content you can see what is the default one for the customizable channels.

If you start customizing your text but feel like you want to go back to default, you can click on the "Revert to original" button that undoes all the modifications you made and brings back the out of the box content.

You can use the shortcodes on the right hand side to include specific information from the following categories: Client, Patient, Clinic, Appointment and Record.

📌Pro tip!

Test your customized comms with a test account before sending them to "real" clients.

Format your content

We have included some options to customize the content you will be sending via email.

These options are

  • Bold

  • Underline

  • Text alignment options

  • Bullet list

  • Numbered list

  • Link (include a link)

Customize your communication content in multiple languages

Your clinic might have a significant number of clients that have a different native language. Digitail supports communication customization in multiple languages.

Prerequisite: set up additional (optional) languages for your clinic in Clinic Profile>Preferences (if you have not, learn here how).

Then, in Admin> Client Communications section, when editing a client communication, you will notice that the languages previously added are available as separate tabs above the available channels information.

Each language tab has the same behavior as the "main" (first) language tab.

You can edit the default text for both email and sms channels. As a result, your clients will receive your communications in a language that is familiar to them.

Customize your "Appointments" communications

These are the messages that are automatically sent to the client for specific appointment actions.

Appointment Cancelation

This notification is triggered automatically when your staff cancels an appointment.

New Confirmed Appointment

This notification is triggered automatically when your staff adds an appointment with the status 'Confirmed' or when you confirm a pending appointment.

New Pending Appointment

This notification is triggered automatically when your staff adds an appointment with the status 'Pending'.

This means that your clients will be able to confirm, reschedule or cancel the appointment.

The shortcodes:

  1. Accept button

  2. Reschedule link

  3. Cancel link

are mandatory to be included in the email notification body.

Appointment Reschedule

This notification is triggered automatically when your staff reschedules an appointment.

This notification is very similar to the New Pending Appointment notification, with the same options to confirm, cancel or reschedule or the pet parent to use.

Upcoming Appointment Reminders

This is a reminder that is sent automatically before the visit based on the frequency you set. Simply add new Reminder frequencies or remove the existing ones. These settings will apply to all channels, from SMS to Emails and Push Notifications.

Customize the SMS and Email texts using the bracketed texts (shortcuts) from the right side. You can also use markup for Emails, such as bold, italic, lists, alignments, or links.

☝️ Appointment Reminders are only sent to Confirmed Appointments.

When you add a new appointment, you'll see the rules you set up but you can change them on the spot for each individual appointment if needed.

For example, let's say you set reminders to be sent one week and one day before the appointment, but this client usually forgets, so you want to add some extra reminders just for this particular one. You can add as many as you want by clicking on the ''+'' icon.

Customize your Protocols/Due Dates Reminders

These messages were sent for Reminder Protocols, before the treatment due dates.

You can learn more about Reminder Protocols here.

As a default, reminders are sent one week before and one day before the due date, but you can customize the frequency, including the channels and the content of the message.

Givent that some pet parent might have multiple pets that are due for a visit, we have included the option of customizing the verbiage for both casese: single or multiple pets, both for email and sms.

Customize the communications that accompany shared documents

These are the messages that are included in the email that has attached the document that your staff wants to share with the client.

These messages have only one channel - "Email".

All of them are triggered when a clinic user clicks the send email button on the document pdf. The only exception is for the record summary shared communication that has the option "Send record summary via email".

Certificate shared

You can customize the default email content that the pet parent will see when the staff shares a certificate with the pet parent.

This message is triggered when the staff clicks on the send email button on the certificate document pdf.

More on certificate sharing here

Client Statement shared

You can customize the default email content that the pet parent will see when the staff shares a client statement with the pet parent.

The client statement can be manually or automatically shared when the staff clicks on the send email button from the client statement pdf. The staff can generate the client statement from the healthcard, Invoices section.

More on client statements here.

Discharge document shared

You can customize the default email content that the pet parent will see when the staff shares a discharge document with the pet parent.

The discharge document can be manually shared when the staff clicks on the send email button from the discharge document pdf. The staff can generate the document from the SOAP>Plan> Recommendations section > Preview discharge document.

Invoice shared

You can customize the default email content that the pet parent will see when the staff shares an invoice with the pet parent.

The invoice document can be manually shared when the staff clicks on the send email button from the invoice document pdf.

More on sharing of invoices here.

Record summary shared

You can customize the default email content that the pet parent will see when the staff shares a medical record with the pet parent.

More on sharing the record summary here.

Signature requested

The signature request can be triggered from various places on the platform.

You can customize the default email content that the pet parent will see when the staff requests the e signature of a document (treatment plan or consent form).

More on e signature request here.

Treatment plan shared

You can customize the default email content that the pet parent will see when the staff shares a treatment plan with the pet parent.

More on treatment plans here.

Customize your Welcome Message

When a new client is added to your database, they can receive a welcome email.

The default message confirms that they have been successfully registered at your practice. It provides information about their account details (username and password) and how to download the App so they can access their medical history.

When adding a new Client, you can decide not to send the Email or Text notification if you wish to do so for a specific case by unchecking the boxes.

Useful resources

The benefits of customizing your reminders.

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