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Add or Update Users/Team Members

Learn how to add, update, or delete users from your practice.

Updated over a week ago

All clinic staff can have a personal User profile in Digitail. Having your entire team live in Digitail as its source-of-truth is helpful in centralizing your internal workflows, maintaining accurate records, and facilitating all-in-one practice management.

How to Add Users

Click on your Profile Image on the top right corner of your screen and select Administration from the dropdown menu, then choose Team from the menu on the left. From the top right corner, click on the blue (+) Add New User button.

Begin by filling out the required profile information; the minimum required fields include:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email (email a User will use to Log into Digitail)

  • Phone

  • User Type (User Title/Function at the Clinic)

  • Role (defines the Users Digitail permissions and access); check out this article for more information on Setting up User Roles in Digitail

  • Password (Password the User will use to log into Digitail for the first time); you will also need set an initial password. Users can later Change their Passwords by following these instructions.

    👉 We also recommend completing the Title field as it will appear in front of the Users name on the Platform, on Record Summaries, and on the Online Booking System.

User Type

Selecting the correct User Type ensures that Users have access to the correct features in Digitail.

  • Users marked as Veterinarian have access to the following features:

    • Ability to prescribe medication

    • License and Stamp/Signature fields

  • Users marked as Veterinarian, Technician, or Groomer will also be displayed in the Team section of the Online Booking page (as displayed below)


Role refers to the permissions and access rights that the User has in their Digitail account. All Permissions (except the default Administrator role) are customizable, so clinics can decide what level of access specific User Roles should have.

Find out more about Roles and Permissions here.

Other Settings

You can also select if the User should be available for appointments or not (unchecking the box will ensure your user is not available for appointments internally and on the online booking systems). Additionally, you can decide whether the User will have an Individual Chat account and/or add their video call link which can be used for telemedicine appointments or other client video calls from the Chat.

User Visit Types

You can customize a User's available Visit Types only if the Available for appointments button is activated. Then, go through and select all the relevant appointment types by checking the box next to each type, or by activating the entire category.

The available appointment categories/types are unique to each location and set up during your onboarding with Digitail. For more information on how to set up appointment categories, please check out this article.

Multi-locations Users

If you are on a multi-location setup, your Users may be added to each of your multiple locations, while maintaining unique Roles and Permissions in each location.

Users assigned to multiple locations, will have a single account login. From within their account when clicking on their Profile Image, Users will be able to toggle between their locations.

The User's name, email, phone number will be the same across locations, however their User Type and Role will be location-specific. The option for turning on Available for online appointments is also unique to a location.

Find out more about Multi-locations workflow here.

Adding Users to multiple locations

Adding en existing user to multiple locations can only be done by the Digitail team at this time. Please speak to your Onboarding Specialist if you are in onboarding, or contact our support team at, or via the chat icon in the bottom right corner of your Digitail account. You'll want to be sure to the User is active in at least one location before making the request with our team.

Update or Delete Users

Scroll to the Actions section to the right and click on the Edit button. Update any fields in the User Profile and click Save.

To delete a user, press the red button at the very end and select to either Disable or Delete your user.

📌 The user will be deleted, while all their past appointments, records, and actions in Digitail will remain unchanged.

📌 If you only want to disable the user for some time, click Disable. They won't be able to log in anymore, but you can restore their account later - this is useful for relief staff, for example.

Restore or Enable Users

You can restore a Deleted user by clicking on the Edit button and selecting the Restore option.

You can also enable a user that was Disabled by clicking on Enable from the Schedule Options button.

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